Dienstag, 17. November 2015

A complex phenomenon

"Hunger is a part of daily life. Before each meal, it beckons us to the table and reminds us that our existence depends on putting food in our mouths. ......But new research shows there’s more than metaphor at work in these sayings. Hunger can make us crave things other than food. Besides crankiness and a need to find a kitchen, hunger’s effects include a stronger desire for mundane objects like stationery. People who are hungry even seem to shop more at the mall........We should be aware of hunger’s subconscious effects on our judgment. Do I really want to buy this pillow, or am I just hungry?.....Hunger is a complex phenomenon....."

Quelle / Sourcehttp://www.scientificamerican.com/article/hunger-makes-you-crave-more-than-food/


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