Over 60% of falls experienced by older
people result from multiple aetiological factors. Preventing falls in
individual patients
requires the identification and treatment of these
interacting factors. Multifactorial interventions have been successful
in some, but not all, fall prevention trials.
Preventing falls in populations requires selection of the population
most likely
to benefit, and selection of the particular
interventions shown to have been effective in this group. The
implementation of
preventive measures has been low despite strong
evidence that fall and fractures can be reduced.
Misconceptions about
potential for prevention in old age, the time to
effect improvement, resource issues and the nature of the interventions
to the low uptake. An improved system of delivery
of proven preventive measures is needed.
Full Text / pdf: http://ageing.oxfordjournals.org/content/35/suppl_2/ii60.full.pdf+html
Keywords Google Scholar: exercise and fall-prevention
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